“从原材料到成品 、从进关到检品、从检测到认证”高效服务流。

A leading comprehensive TIC quality technology solution provider in China, committed to empowering traditional industries with intelligence and digitization, focusing on consumer goods, food, environment and other industries, providing efficient testing, certification, sustainable development, TIC intelligent software and hardware research and development and other comprehensive quality technology services.

As of now, Yingbai Testing has obtained national high-tech enterprise certification, possessing CMA, CNAS, CNCA, CPSC, China Import and Export Commodity Inspection and Appraisal Qualification, China Customs Import Product Inspection and Credit Agency Qualification (Institution Code: A14222041), and international organization ZDHC third-party testing& Certified laboratory qualification, with a total laboratory area of 20000 square meters, 5 independent subsidiaries, and over 20 global service outlets including Shenzhen, Shanghai, Chengdu, Suzhou, Wuxi, Taiyuan, Taiwan, Europe, and other places.

Our testing services mainly target multiple fields such as textiles and clothing, footwear and bags, toys, light industrial products, electronic and electrical products, food, health products, infant food, environmental testing and occupational health; Certification services cover product certification, system certification, green certification, ZDHC certification, social responsibility review, etc. Sustainable development aims to provide customized technical guidance, solution design, testing and certification services based on customer enterprise characteristics, industry requirements, and future trends. We strive to provide technical service solutions that balance economic and strategic benefits, help customers save costs, and reduce environmental impact, To truly help enterprises promote energy conservation, emission reduction, sustainable development, and integrate them into operational management, and jointly fulfill their responsibilities& Nbsp; The corporate citizenship responsibility of being friendly to the Earth and making positive contributions to creating a better green future together.

In 2014, IMPAQ Testing was formally established in Shenzhen
Large sStation based TIC serviceelf operated laboratory
Testing, certification, and sustainable development
self-operated labs in China
Shenzhen / Suzhou / Shanghai / Chengdu
Independent subsidiaries
Suzhou, Shanghai, Chengdu, Feique Lanbo
Global service outlets
Mainland China, Taiwan, Vietnam, North America, Europe
Maintain an average annual growth rate
keep fast growth for years
IMPAQ vision
IMPAQ vision
To be the most reliable TIC institution
IMPAQ mission
IMPAQ mission
Empowering quality Sustainable future
IMPAQ core values
IMPAQ core values
Professional Integrity Sustained Innovation. Customer Centered Striver Oriented. Staff Self-fulfillment Platform.
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